Never a nice subject, but...
“I know, having been involved in the industry for some time, that no one sets out to be bad employee, but the unfortunate truth is that sometimes people steal. The simple fact is that if your business allows employees to handle cash or inventory – and what kind of hospitality business would you be if you didn’t – then your business is susceptible to employee theft.
The hospitality industry has an enormous amount of cash sales transactions and high industry turnover rates, so effective internal controls are vitally important. Most theft within the hospitality industry takes the form of repetitive employee theft of small amounts, which quickly add up to a significant impact on the bottom line. The best way to prevent employees who may be tempted to line their pockets is to reduce temptation with highly visible prevention tactics and proactive internal controls.
With our WebPos now pushing real time data to Centralised Reporting, a new suite of reports has been written using Microsoft Power BI so floor managers can see spend by table in real time. In addition, you have our exception reports, called “Inspector Quadranet”, which highlight potential problems. For example, a service charge being removed after a bill is printed is a common way of pilfering. After a bill is printed, and cash taken, the contents of the table are moved to a bar stool which does not incur a service charge. It is paid off without the service charge, which is stolen. There are many other tricks, and Quadranet’s system can help you identify and prevent them. For example, items can be deleted, or prices changed, after the bill is printed. Our system has a deleted items report which allows floor managers to identify issues and talk to staff as and when they happen.
In addition to Epos controls we also have integrated Stock Control. Purchases are automatically generated, or manually input in the Stock system. Sales are mappedfrom Epos into Stock which depletes stock levels. Recipes can have as many sub recipes and batch recipes as required.
Through using the stock system not only are stock outs reduced, but shrinkage of both food and beverage are minimised.
Alongside using Quadranet, we recommend these further preventative measures:
Review SOPs and training materials. A strong message about the restaurant’s desired culture, including what behaviours will not be tolerated, should be sent by the restaurant company’s leadership. A thorough review of this code with all employees is an essential aspect of their induction.
Provide employees with a variety of options for reporting witnessed misconduct or theft as part of the training process.
Ensure that no issue reported is ignored. This means that every report of unethical or illegal behaviour, regardless of how they are communicated to restaurant management, must be addressed swiftly and appropriately.
Using Quadranet to support these techniques will go a long way to reducing theft, increasing staff morale, and increasing profits. ”
John Trueman